Python Script to Clean up Old Images From AWS ECR using Boto3

For one of my projects, I automated building and pushing AWS ECR images using Github Actions, but soon realized that my AWS ECR repo had a pile-up of unused images. In my workflows, I use the most recently image and other images in the repository present a minor opportunity for optimization.

Python Script to Fix "Export EXPORT_NAME cannot be updated as it is in use by STACK_NAME" error in AWS CloudFormation

If you use AWS CloudFormation, you might have encountered an issue while trying to update stacks if the stacks are updated. The error looks something like this: Export EXPORT_NAME cannot be updated as it is in use by STACK_NAME If you use AWS CDK, you might still face issues while deploying stacks, as AWS CDK generates a CloudFormation template during deployment.

Deploy to Amazon EKS using CircleCI and Helm

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build and install Helm charts for your application to an AWS EKS cluster.

Deploy autoscaling self-hosted runners using AWS CDK

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up autoscaling using AWS CDK, an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool developed by AWS.

How to Use the Twilio Java Helper Library and AWS CDK to Deploy AWS Lambda Functions

In this post, learn how to integrate the AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) with SendGrid to send emails to users.

Building an automated unit testing pipeline for serverless applications

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build an automated unit testing pipeline using Jest testing framework for serverless applications.

Automatically deploy REST APIs with Lambda authorizers using AWS CDK

In this tutorial, I will guide you through using AWS CDK to deploy REST APIs with AWS Lambda-based authorizers. You will learn how API Gateway constructs can be used to customize the behavior of the API by adding authorizers, usage plans, throttling, rate limiting, and more.

Automate AWS Lambda function deployments to AWS CDK

In this tutorial, I will guide you through using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to deploy an AWS Lambda function that interacts with AWS S3 and AWS DynamoDB.

How to Use the Twilio Java Helper Library and AWS CDK to Deploy AWS Lambda Functions

In this post, learn how to leverage the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to build and deploy a serverless AWS Lambda function that uses Twilio’s Programmable SMS API to send SMS to users.

An Introduction To AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

In this article, I will provide a brief introduction AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) which is increasingly becoming a popular tool for managing AWS-based infrastructure. We’ll take a closer look into CDK concepts, and then how to use the AWS CDK toolkit to deploy a sample application to an AWS account.