On this dashboard, you see the relative locations of the four manufacturing plants in Mistford and the sensors installed by the state government. The sensor record the chemical readings of the effluents released in the atmosphere by the factories.
The data shown is for 3 months and you can navigate through the dashboard to explore more.
Click on the Factory or Sensor to show the related visualization.
─── AGOC 3A
─── Appluimonia
─── Chlorodinine
─── Methylosmolene
Click on the line graph to see a box plot of the selected chemical.
There is 13935.196119428841 stuff in this nodeRoadRunnerKasios
There is 13564.72230486896 stuff in this nodeKasiosRadiance
There is 13896.866344806469 stuff in this nodeRadianceIndigo
There is 12686.85567214569 stuff in this nodeIndigoAGOC-3A
There is 17062.08925065999 stuff in this nodeAGOC-3AAppluimonia
There is 11353.157035530015 stuff in this nodeAppluimoniaChlorodinine
There is 12235.386406410027 stuff in this nodeChlorodinineMethylosmolene
There is 13433.00774865 stuff in this nodeMethylosmoleneApril
There is 13256.19955919002 stuff in this nodeAprilAugust
There is 16499.0011087 stuff in this nodeAugustDecember
There is 22604.32445374002 stuff in this nodeDecember
General information about visualizations
Chart Type
Heat map
This graph depicts the average reading for a particular chemical (selected from the radio button) emitted by the factory over the day.
Alluvial Plot
This graph depicts the relationship between the factories and the chemicals emitted as well as the the months during which these chemicals were emitted.
Multi Line Chart
This plot shows chemical reading for each month (for a particular sensor) as selected in the dropdown. We have calculated the average of reading values for each day.
Box Plot
This shows a summarized view of chemical data for a sensor for all 3 months. Please note: outliers have been removed from the dataset for this view only.