
Covid-19 Diagnosis using Radiography Images

In this notebook, we will try to classify images from the Covid-19 Radiography Dataset[1] using a pre-trained ResNet-18 network. We will be using the PyTorch library for building our network.
Covid-19 Diagnosis using Radiography Images

Literature Survey: Human Action Recognition

Over the last couple of months, I have been going through a lot of literature about human action recognition using computer vision. In this post, I will share a brief survey of Human Action Recognition.
Literature Survey: Human Action Recognition

Generating Tabular Synthetic Data Using GANs

In this post, we will see how to generate tabular synthetic data using Generative adversarial networks(GANs). The goal is to generate synthetic data that is similar to the actual data in terms of statistics and demographics.
Generating Tabular Synthetic Data Using GANs

Implementing YOLOV2 from scratch using Tensorflow 2.0

In this notebook I am going to re-implement YOLOV2 as described in the paper YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger. The goal is to replicate the model as described in the paper and train it on the VOC 2012 dataset.
Implementing YOLOV2 from scratch using Tensorflow 2.0

How to Import Data to Neo4J from CSV files

In this post, we will see how to import data to the Neo4J database from CSV files. Recently, I worked with Graph databases for the first time and was really amazed by the capabilities it offers.

Using Custom Building Blocks in TensorFlow 2.0

Custom Data Generator, Layer, Loss function and Learning Rate Scheduler In this post, I will demonstrate how you can use custom building blocks for your deep learning model. Specifically, we will see how to use custom data generators, custom Keras layer, custom loss function, and a custom learning rate scheduler.

Implementing YOLOV1 from scratch using Keras Tensorflow 2.0

In this notebook I am going to implement YOLOV1 as described in the paper You Only Look Once. The goal is to replicate the model as described in the paper and in the process, understand the nuances of using Keras on a complex problem.
Implementing YOLOV1 from scratch using Keras Tensorflow 2.0

How to use a pre-defined Tensorflow Dataset?

Tensorflow 2.0 comes with a set of pre-defined ready to use datasets. It is quite easy to use and is often handy when you are just playing around with new models.

Using the Paged List with Boundary Callback in Android

In this post, I will explain how to use the Android Paged list with a boundary callback. The idea is to see an example where both the network and the local database is involved.

How to use Room Persistence library in Android using Kotlin

In this post, I will show you how to quickly add Room support for Room database in your app using Kotlin. There are quite a few articles on how to use Room but most of them are not up to date.