Principal Component Analysis in MATLAB

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) is often used as a data mining technique to reduce the dimensionality of the data. In this post, I will show how you can perform PCA and plot its graphs using MATLAB.

What is PCA?

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) is a statistical method to reduce the dimensionality of the data. It assumes that data with large variation is important. PCA tries to find a unit vector(first principal component) that minimizes the average squared distance from the points to the line. Other components are lines perpendicular to this line.

Why do we need PCA?

Working with a large number of features is computationally expensive and the data generally has a small intrinsic dimension. To reduce the dimension of the data we will apply Principal Component Analysis(PCA) which ensures that no information is lost and checks if the data has a high standard deviation. Thus, PCA helps in fighting the curse of dimensionality and reduces the dimensionality to select just the top few features that satisfactorily represent the variation in data.

How PCA is done?

The method for PCA is as follows:

  • Normalize the values of the feature matrix using normalize function in MATLAB
  • Calculate the empirical mean along each column and use this mean to calculate the deviations from mean
  • Next, we use these deviations to calculate the p x pcovariance matrix.
  • Next, find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
  • Sort the columns of the matrix in decreasing order of eigenvalues and compute the cumulative energy content for each eigenvector.
  • Finally select a subset of the eigenvectors as the basis vectors and project the z-score of the data on the basis vectors.


MATLAB provides a convenient way to perform PCA using the pca function. Read up more about it here. The method takes a featureMatrix as input and performs the PCA analysis on it.

featureMatrix = normalize(featureMatrix); % Normalize the feature matrix

% No of dimensions to keep
numberOfDimensions = 5;

[COEFF, SCORE, LATENT, TSQUARED, EXPLAINED] = pca(featureMatrix); % Perform PCA analysis

reducedDimension = COEFF(:,1:numberOfDimensions);
reducedFeatureMatrix = featureMatrix * reducedDimension;
  • COEFF is a p x p coefficient matrix. Each column of COEFF contains coefficients for one principal component and the columns are in descending order of component variance.
  • SCORE: Principal component scores are the representations of featureMatrix in the principal component space.
  • LATENT: Principal component variances, that is the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of featureMatrix, returned as a column vector.
  • TSQUARED: Hotelling’s T-squared statistic for each observation in featureMatrix.
  • EXPLAINED: The percentage of the total variance explained by each principal component and mu, the estimated mean of each variable in featureMatrix .

Note: It is recommended to normalize the feature matrix before performing PCA. Normalizing the features avoid the results from getting skewed in favor of a feature that has bigger values.

Plotting the graphs

Now, that we have obtained the reducedFeatureMatrix and the COEFF, SCORE, LATENT, TSQUARED, EXPLAINED we will go ahead and plot these values.

Eigen Vectors

Use the following code snippet to plot the eigenvectors obtained after performing the PCA analysis.

saveas(gcf, 'EigenVectors', 'jpeg');

For our dataset, this is the plot that I got after plotting the eigenvectors.

Principal Components

Use the following code snippet to plot the top 5 principal components obtained after performing the PCA analysis. The principal components obtained after PCA are in the order of their variances.

for p=1:5

    score_length = size(SCORE, 1);
    tx_vect= SCORE(1:score_length, p);
    xlabel('Timestamp in order') 
    ylabel("Feature Values("+ plotpca{p}+")")
    saveas(gcf,strcat(feature_plots, strcat('Plot_',plotpca{p})), 'jpeg');

Note: In the plots for features f1 to f5 you can notice that the different features have different degrees of variance.

Top Features

The scatter plot of the first 3 principal components can be obtained by the following code snippet.

saveas(gcf,strcat(feature_plots, strcat('Scatter_Plot_Top_3_Features')), 'jpeg');
hold off;

The plot below shows the first 3 principal components.


The variance distribution plot is useful in deciding the number of principal components to keep. If the top 5 features show around 95% variance, we can ignore the other features as their contribution is very less.

The snippet below plots the variance distribution.

title('Variance Distribution')
saveas(gcf,strcat(feature_plots, strcat('Plot_','Variance Distribution')), 'jpeg');

Variance Percentage

The snippet below plots the variance percentage.

title('Percentage of Variance Explained');
saveas(gcf,strcat(feature_plots, strcat('Plot_','Percentage of Variance Explained')), 'jpeg');

The plot shows the percentage of variance Explained.

Note, that the distribution is not the ideal distribution as it is based on a real dataset.

You can buy me a coffee if this post really helped you learn something or fix a nagging issue!

Written on May 25, 2020 by Vivek Maskara.

Originally published on Medium

Vivek Maskara
Vivek Maskara
SDE @ Remitly

SDE @ Remitly | Graduated from MS CS @ ASU | Ex-Morgan, Amazon, Zeta
